Saturday, May 01, 2010

graduation and new years resolutions

My graduation cap and gown have been staring back at me for about two weeks now.I hung them from the phone in my bed room (i live in a college dorm, remember?...the cramming it would have taken to hang it in the closet would have made it even more wrinkled)hoping that four weeks is enough time for the wrinkles to shake out so I don't have to iron my gown two weeks from now when I walk across the stage at Moody Church. It seems that people have already started saying goodbye and I've gotten my "what I'm doing after graduation" spiel down to a succinct 30 seconds or so. Its so strange, getting ready to leave this place. I've got a little bit of homework left to do, sometimes I think about the papers and projects in between the bridal showers, impromptu parties, coffee dates,and figuring out what on earth I am going to do with all my stuff.

Its May 1,2010, a new month! Here is why that is significant: I'm not typically a new year's resolution kind of girl, but this year I decided to piggy back off of my sister's new years resolution to give up something different each month. I'm tweaking it a bit and broadening it to either abstaining from something different or adding something different to my life each month. So far, I've "given up" things. January was listening to secular music in my room; February was facebook; March was french fries and potato chips; April was coffee. My success each month has varied. :) Why am I doing this? I keep asking myself that same question. I guess there are a few reasons. One reason is simply discipline and self control. I wouldn't say that discipline is one of my greatest strengths and I want to grow in it. Another reason is the same reason that many people (mostly for "religious" reasons) fast. I really enjoy the things I've "fasted" from so far. So, when I abstain from them, there is something in me that misses them, that "hungers" for them. I want to hunger for Jesus like that. I want to know that anxious longing in the pit of my stomach when I haven't thought of or spent time with Jesus. Wouldn't it be interesting if, like the first week or so without coffee, I had a headache when I hadn't carved out time for just me and the Lord? Maybe its more a "soul-ache."

Anyways, all of the above to say, that this month, my goal is to blog every day. I have no idea what I am going to blog about for the next 30 days. It should be interesting, and probably boring. But, nonetheless, here we go! Please be gracious if I miss a day. My purpose is not to stress myself out or condemn myself with this resolution, just to think about my life a little bit more; writing about it helps me think. So, here we go! I'm sure the posts will vary in content and length; I can't promise they will be exciting, entertaining or interesting, so continue reading at your own risk. I probably picked the least convenient time to do this. I'll be ending the semester and moving and questioning my sanity on multiple occasions, I'm sure. I think that's all the more reason to do this now, though. I need to take time to stop and think if I'm going to make it out in one piece.

I'm going to leave you with my most recent favorite picture. My adorable niece and my dad...who are we kidding? He's pretty adorable in the picture too. :)

It should be noted that I stole this picture from my sister's facebook. Thanks, Ange!


Dawn Bootsma said...

Great picture! Just think, he used to be my science teacher. I learned a lot from your dad and thankfully how to eat cupcakes wasn't one of those things. :)

I hope your month goes well. Big changes can really strengthen our walk with the Lord. I'll be praying for you.

Christine Poole said...

I can't wait to read them all CJ. I love you! Can't wait to see you graduate on May 15th!! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever and I miss you bunches...(side note: it's funny how the bunches thing has really caught on...all from a little kids' picture book)

Are you going to be in Iowa at all this summer?

Andrea said...

definitely a double dose of adorable. i look forward to reading your thoughts this month :)