Sunday, May 09, 2010

the weight of final moments

Well, I've failed, apparently. My goal was to blog every day this month and I've missed the last 3. Oh well, I'll keep trying! Hopefully those will be the only three days I miss.

Everything seems sweeter in this time. Every conversation, interaction seems to hold so much more weight to it as i count down the days until I'm done with my time at Moody. It is weird. Chicago feels (yes, Jake, can't argue with me:))like it has become my city. I'm actually really glad that I have a few weeks to enjoy it after school and before moving. I just wish more of the people I love and care about were staying around for those few weeks too. On the other hand, the goodbyes can't go on forever so I guess the somewhat gradualness is nice, significantly less heart wrenching than if it were all crashing in at once.

There are a lot of little things I have to do before I move... and a lot of big things I suppose. Things like change my address with every institution that needs my address. Get a new cell phone (the most recent digression of my cell phone is that the "0" key has to be pressed about 5 times before it will take...). sift through and pack all of the junk I've accumulated over the last four years. graduate from college. check the girls off my floor. clean my floor. decide which boxes I'm throwing away, which I'm storing at my sister's house and which I'm hauling out to PA. I'll stop boring you with the details. All these things and all I want to do is be with people. and sleep... i really want to sleep. But mostly I want to be with people. Should make for an interesting week. My parents get here on Tuesday. Thats only three days away.

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