Saturday, July 25, 2009

lady and the tramp, family, and a night with the kiddos

I've decided that the neighborhood i live in (well, I guess that my parents live in...) is kinda like where the Disney movie "Lady and the Tramp" took place. Really there is one correlation: dogs. I've been going on nightly walks in the hills at dusk and as I make my way up the hill from our house the dogs start barking incredibly loudly as if warning the others, farther up the hill, that I am coming. The "farther up the hill dogs" are already barking by the time I pass them. This continues for my 30 minute walk winding up and down and through the hills. Dogs everywhere. Thankfully, none of them have attacked me yet. But my mom does make me take my cell phone, just in case. And I really do think it is more because of the dogs than any creeper that might happen to live on top of this hill. The only people out up here at that time of night are families coming home, the occasional "parked" couple, and the old men who tend their gardens up here. My mom and I think that they wake up every morning somewhere in the city and their wives kinda "shew" them out of the house for the day. They are the self-proclaimed neighborhood watchers. They look at me somewhat suspiciously as I walk around. I don't think they recognize me. Although, I did have to climb the gate to the school a couple times after getting locked out AND in. I guess they have reason to be suspicious.

It's so wonderful to be here. So refreshing, encouraging. It's a precious part of my life. Most of the friends I grew up going to school with have long gone to other parts of the world. That's the thing about going to school with kids from all over the world, it's hard to reconnect with them, at least geographically. I have seen a couple of them, which was sweet to me. Mostly, however, I've been spending time with my friends from my church. I love these people. They are family. I wish I had words to describe how much they mean to me. It has been such a blessing to spend time with them and witness how God has changed and grown them. You gain an interesting perspective being gone for so long. When you come back you see the leaps of growth rather than the small steps. It's kinda cool. And then you get to hear the stories of the steps. They've all been so welcoming and loving. I feel somewhat like a traitor sometimes. I come, spend great time catching up with them, basking in the love and care they offer, and then I leave again, three weeks later. Sometimes I just wish I could stay. Life is simple here. Refreshingly simple.

I've gotten to spend the day with little kids. I love it. My parents agreed to watch a family of three kids (mks) overnight and I got to help out. Really, I've just played right along with them. The boy is the oldest and so smart, you can just tell. He knows how to work our dvd player and tv better than i do (trust me, it takes a combination of about 5 remotes and 100 buttons to watch a dvd...more or less...). The little girls are the ones that just make my heart jump. The older one is Ellie, age 8. She is a pensive, sweet, tenderhearted little girl. You can tell she thinks deeply through things, especially for her age. She has a sensitive heart and has just been a little blessing. SO sweet. She is respectful and caring, very engaging. Even at 8 she just cares about people and wants to know what makes them them. She's asked a lot of insightful questions, i love it. Her little sister Maddie is a riot. She is 5 and while still precious and a sweetheart is much more straight forward. She fed me salad and carrot soup at the park tonight (two BIG handfuls of pebbles). It was tasty.:) Both girls insisted on holding my hands everywhere we walked, sitting on either side of me at dinner and in the car, taking turns sitting on my lap, and for some reason playing with my hair. They're fascinated with my curls. Over and over again they would gently pull them and watch them "boing" back up. I don't usually let people play with my hair but these girls were so cute and fascinated that it didn't seem to bother me. It has been a fun night. I love seeing life through the eyes of little kids. It's honest. It reminds me of how, as adults, we got to be where we are. It's good to be reminded.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds so beautiful charity! I bet it was kind of comical watching the chain of dogs communicate with each other! I totally get what you are saying about little kids...its so hard to explain how precious they are, you did a great job articulating it...we seriously can learn a lot about where we come from from them and their fragility and their wonder of life is just amazing. Love you girl, thinking of you and praying for you :)
