Friday, January 30, 2009

just a few random thoughts...

I saw a sign today outside the dining room explaining that if we lose our fobs (the devices on which our meals are counted...) they won't let us into the cafeteria. Our options are either to go to facilities to get a new one ($10) or pay for our meal (roughly $6-$8). Under that someone wrote in pen "OR STARVE." and I've been thinking about how I use words. I tend to exaggerate and use somewhat extreme language at times. But, I think doing so does our words a diservice. I'm more convinced every day that our words hold so much power. Power to encourage, to fight, to tear down, to instruct, to enlighten, the list goes on. When I say I starve because I miss a meal, in a sense, it feels to me, like I belittle the severity of the word as it applies to those who actually have no eaten anything for days. I'm trying to be careful with my words.

I've also been thinking about the beauty and grace portrayed in love and trust. I was sitting at Joe's yesterday reading when two people walked in. I think they are both new here this semester. The girl is blind and was being led by a guy. I learned today that they didn't know each other before. I don't know the nature of their relationship but I think they're just friends. He took her arm and guided her and she trusted him completely. There is so much sacrifice on his part. His willingness to adjust his schedule is breathtaking to me (he escorts her most places during the day). Her trust is him is likewise beautiful. I want to love sacrificially, to put the needs of others above my own. I want to trust like that.

On a semi-less reflective and serious note, I'm going ice skating for the first time ever this afternoon! Katie and I are going. I'm really excited! The sun is shining too (a rarity for Chicago in the winter)!

1 comment:

Laura McLain said...

I love your comments about words and trust. I've learned a lot about both during the past year or so.