Monday, November 17, 2008

good morning, winter.

Its been snowing, (more like flurrying, I guess) around here. Its beautiful but the cold, grey skies are settling in. This kind of weather always makes me pensive and nostalgic. I keep thinking of Portugal and longing to be living in my sweet memories. Cobblestone streets, ancient churches, castanhas, cafe, two-hour long lunch breaks. It seems further way each day...

A large part of my extended family was together for my cousin's wedding this weekend and I wished so badly that I could have been there. I guess the bright side is that I will see them in almost two weeks for Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to that. It will probably be the last time for a while. I never know. But its coming, and for today, that is enough.

1 comment:

amy lynne said...

i like your page.
and your post.
and you.
i am so blessed
to be your roommate!
thanks for sharing your
heart... you are beautiful
inside and out.
love :)