Saturday, April 07, 2007


After reading through old conversations and journal entries and flipping through pictures of former affections, my heart is full of a mixture of odd and confusing thoughts and sentiments, questions to be sure. What happens to the passions of the previous seasons of my heart? Are they soley for that portion of my life or will they again be resurrected? Why are there some things I just can't seem to shake? Why do certain thoughts, memories, people, loves, aches, tears, smiles linger in my mind both haunting and comforting my soul at once? How much more can my heart take? Will everything come back to life again?
My thoughts have turned to the resurrection, remembering the signicifance of Christ's resurrection and the hope it holds. We too, as Christians have passed from death to life. But what does that mean, exactly? What am I doing with that truth?
Stir my affection for You and You Alone, Father. Fill me with the hope of your Resurrection, your Life, not only 2,000 years ago, but today in me.

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