So, today was my first day of classes. It was......... weird? I feel so out of place sometimes. The whole atmosphere seems different, and somewhat shallow. Maybe things are just starting up and an "atmosphere" so to speak hasn't been established. I'm not sure. But I know one thing. I have changed so much and it is strange to be back because there are many that do not understand. I don't enjoy the same kind of conversations anymore. I sat at my lunch table today listening to some guys talk about a bunch of stuff, putting each other down and talking about how school is stupid and the things teachers say are stupid and suggesting not verbally but with their attitudes that God is pretty much stupid, or at least living for Him is. I sat there, not saying a word, but apparently my face revealed what I was thinking. They slightly "mocked" my point of view on things and then continued on talking about everything that they hate and everything they think is stupid in life. I so wish they knew that God is worth living for. I wish their idea of God was bigger, I long for them to know Christ so intimately and to love Him so much that they can't help but talk about Him and love each other. One of my first responses was to be angry and upset with them, frustrated to say the least. Then I thought back to the summer and remember the countless convos I've had with Kris and Sey and many others about how anger is not what they need. They do not need a piece of my mind, they already know what I think. They do not need to be told more about God, they have been hearing about Him since the day they were born. They need to discover God for themselves and long for Him and answer His call on their hearts. They need to realize the radically different life Christ has called us to and given us the freedom to live. But oh being angry and frustrated is so easy to do and so hard to combat. I know I view life differently than a lot of people at school, and its hard! I have no doubt in my mind that its worth it or that I should be doing it, but its hard and a somewhat lonely road as far as human companionship. Though I know that Christ is always in me and I rejoice in that. He is all I need... but I guess the question I have been asking myself all day is, how do I move from being so incredibly frustrated with them and their convos and the way the live to loving them immensely? I know that deep down in my heart I do love them, with Christ. I long for them to live for Something more. How do I show that love? What happens when they shove it back in my face? How do I respond?
God, soften and change hearts. Love through me, you've given me the power by living in me, awaken me to that power daily!
If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the only probable explanation is that I was made for another world. [C.S. Lewis]
Monday, September 12, 2005
Friday, September 02, 2005
Have you ever felt really alone, even when you're surrounded by awesome wonderful people? Not necessarily physically alone, but alone in maybe where you stand or socially? I don't know how to explain it. I guess its just weird cuz people have their friends, and so many of mine have just left and will be gone the rest of the year. My closest friends are still, but sometime slightly distracted, which isn't bad, they have other relationships they need to tend to. I am just coming to a cross roads. I know that I am becoming ready to move on, but I still have one more year. _I am pumped and excited, I just feel slightly....alone. I talked to one of my friends on the phone for an hour today, it was beautiful. I miss her companionship, her loyal voice of reason and encouragement. Her ability to see straight into my heart. I guess thats what I miss....I miss my friends in Iowa too, you guys have no idea! Krisanna I can't wait for you to come! I love you lots and think of you all constantly! God, get me over my loneliness, help me be content with sharing my secrets with You! Make it my greatest desire to spend hours conversing with You!